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Acting My Age

I went to Singapore, for a convention last week.  My colleagues and I got there a day earlier and we went to visit the Universal Studios theme park, on Sentosa Island.

Apart from the 15 to 50 minutes wait to get on a less than a minute ride, I love it and I plan to start saving to bring my family in the future. I especially like the roller coasters. The Transformer ride is the most awesome. Yes, "awesome" was the only word I can describe the experience, but having said the word in my mind, I refrain myself from using that word when describing the ride to other people.

Thanks to my colleague, I was brought down to earth, when he asked me in a incredulous manner, "why?" when I told him that I wanted to go on the Battlestar Galactica Roller Coaster.

It caused me to hesitate. I walked around the area for quite a bit, looking at the duelling roller coasters (the ride actually consists of two separate tracks, one for humans, one for cylons). After a while, I decided that I must do it, while I can.... and besides, I did not pay RM150 (non peak season price) to just go see the sights. I walked towards the entrance, but the girl with the scanner stopped me when the device beeped furiously. Sorry, sir you have to empty your pockets, you can put them in the lockers over there. Ah, another obstacle, maybe it is fated that I am not to take this train. As I turn the corner towards the lockers, I told my friend what the girl said, and he extended one of his shopping bags for me to put my stuff in. Go for it, man, he said.  I dropped my belongings in the bag and walked up the long path to the turnstiles to get on the ride.

As this is a non peak season, the only other people waiting for our turn were two teenagers and 3 little girls who was running around to get to the best seats at the very front. When the crew asked how many in my party, I apologetically point to my chest and then hold up the same finger to tell him, I am alone.

The ride was great, but how weird I must look in the eyes of the young crew operating the ride, that this old man is riding this thrill rides. They are probably thinking.... Maybe he is dying.... and he wants to do all the things he couldn't do when he was young before he dies. Poor old man, thought the young man who ushered me on to my seat. I am sure he glanced at the Automated External Defibrillator just as he was securing me in my seat.

I only rode the "Human" part of the ride, but as I am writing this I regretted I did not try the "Cylon" ride, too.


Back home, I have been looking in the mirror a lot lately and wonder if I should change my wardrobe. I am most comfortable wearing jeans and t-shirt (round neck and worn-out), now I wonder if people around me see me like one of those old rockers who don't know they are old, walking about with their bellies spilling over the top of their faded blue jeans. Maybe, I should buy more slacks and batik shirts. MAybe, I should stop playing Angry Bird or Temple Run or Fruit Ninja on my phone. Or, maybe I should stop hanging out with these younger people (my EMBA friends) and start joining the pensioners teh tarik sessions to which I was once invited (by my neighbor) but declined.

One of my MBA classmates, on my birthday, posted on my wall "48? I thought you were 38?". I know she meant it to be a compliment (thanks, Jee), but I am beginning to wonder, maybe I should start acting my age. ... just as soon as I know how a 48 year old man is supposed to act.


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