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Humanity: from the lucid mind of a Covid19 infested person.


It's me, again. I don't know how anybody is going to read this, because I have deactivated my Facebook account... my Instagram too. It's interesting to see people's reactions when I told them this. Mostly, it's a sharp intake of breath and a sympathetic "why".  I guess they assumed I was cyberbullied into deactivation. No... It was a mistake. I should never have even registered for any socmed (social media for those uninitiated). I hate it, people sharing their lives, what they eat and drink and where they were eating and drinking, how far they have walked or run or cycled, with whom they are doing things, who they met today or yesterday, where they are now in the world, what their cute babies or cats are doing, what plants they are planting, what fruits they have harvested... I don't really want to know about what you guys are doing with your lives unless I am responsible (partly) for bringing you into this horrible place. For that, my children, I seek your forgiveness.

This is a horrible place... full of creatures that do only two things, multiply and pollute. Humans are so bloody arrogant and so utterly stupid. They pollute the earth then they try to "save" it. The earth is so big, humans are just microbes living on its surface. The earth has been around for billions of years, surviving bombardments of cosmic radiation and giant meteor, and it will still be around when humans either become extinct or move on to pollute other planets (Mars are already littered with human-made junks). 

Mother Nature has been trying to get rid of humans but these annoying creatures are resilient. Floods, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunami, volcanoes erupting, deadly diseases... nothing affects these things. Well, not really nothing, they do moan about millions of them dying of something, yet their numbers never declined... within the last decade, they added 800,000,000 of themselves onto the earth. That's 80 million poor little humans a year being forced into this world...

In the past 2 years, there were a coronavirus outbreak that killed about 5 million humans... 5 million humans in two years... humans are sad and devastated so, to overcome the deficit, they produced 80 million newborns in 2021. 

Humans are worried about global warming, climate change and work so hard to stem it again telling themselves, we must save this planet... no, they want only to save themselves from the ignorance and greed of their ancestors. The humans are the source of their own misery... 

So... should I care about the cakes you bake? Or, your vacations or your weddings or your runs or your rides or kids or your cats or your inevitable birthdays, or how long you have been married or what you are having for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, supper, or late supper? 

Sharing is not caring... it's just free advertising and I just hate advertisement.

Well no one will accuse me of advertising this blog... because no one will read it...


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