But, of late, I found myself doing one of those things on the list.... and was embarrassed by it. I have become presumptuous. It is a natural thing, I suppose; having lived for half a century on this earth that I tend to not look beyond the first familiar signs, and assumed that the sequence of events that follow will be as I have observed happened innumerous times throughout my life. Maybe, it's just laziness that comes with the dwindling vigor in my advanced age. I read a sentence in an email, or rather I looked at it, and immediately took action, or asked a question only to be told that, the proper action to be taken or the answer to my question is there, if only I had bothered to read thoroughly.
On Monday, I received a proposal from our legal department on a new addition to our corporate by-law, and after giving it a once over, sent a query back to them, asking for clarification, whether this addition is a blanket approval for all new products or, do we need to seek approval for each new product? The legal department, as gently as they can, told me that the clarification I seek is in the later part of the email.
On Tuesday, I received an email from our CEO, instructing me to initiate an urgent fund transfer, and to call him for details. I did, and was greeted by a surprised CEO who asked, "When was the last time I asked for an urgent fund transfer?" I sheepishly answered, "Never," while scrolling down the email, to find it was "sent from my iPhone". Our CEO only owns a Samsung phone. Apparently, it was one of those spam emails that mask the real sender's name with one of the names in my email address book.
Today, I opened my PC, and remembered that I have not received the approval from the CEO on my leave application for tomorrow. I called HR and complained that I did not get the automated approval email from our CEO. All this while, our CEO will not question our leave application. He trusts that we are all old enough to know that we must ensure work will not be disrupted just because we are on leave. He usually would have clicked his approval almost immediately upon receiving our on-line leave form. The HR lady was kind enough to say she'll look into the matter.... then, a few minutes later, called me to say... "Dato' has not approved your leave."
It has been a week of embarrassment for me.
Lesson learnt, even if the gap looks familiar.... still take a closer look before you leap.
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